Heroes of the Multiverses Wiki

An early-stage Krynoid

Krynoids are a species of infectious plant in the Doctor Who Expansion.


Early-Stage Krynoid[]

Health: 100

Strength: 15

Stealth: 3

Late-Stage Krynoid[]

Health: 300-500

Strength: 120

Stealth: 0

If an individual comes into contact with a Krynoid pod, he/she becomes infected. It takes twenty turns for an individual to become an early-stage Krynoid, and an additional twenty turns to become a late-stage Krynoid.

Compatible species:

Krynoids suffer double damage from heat damage and burning, although they get +50% armour against energy weapons and do not take double damage from energy weapons that cause heat damage.

Late-stage Krynoids are able to control plant matter on plant-inhabited worlds. Stats and mechanics will be determined at the GM's discretion.
